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At Tee Lab Designs, I want to be fully transparent about all my decisions. I love the concept of print-on-demand, but I understand that the shipping costs can sometimes feel excessive. Print-on-demand suppliers typically charge a fixed base cost plus an additional fee per item. For single-item orders, the pricing is reasonable, but with multiple items, shipping costs can quickly add up.

To address this, I’ve implemented a $5 flat shipping rate for T-shirts and $6 for sweatshirts and hoodies in the United States. As I launch this business, I’ve decided to absorb the extra shipping costs for multi-item orders as a gesture of gratitude for your support. Additionally, I’m offering free shipping for orders over $150. While I’d love to lower that threshold to $99, I need to balance it with the reality of the costs involved in starting this venture.

I am working and shipping to other countries. Please check back.

I plan to revisit these shipping rates once I can negotiate better terms with suppliers as my order volume grows.

Thank you for visiting Tee Lab Designs! Your support means the world to me—please feel free to share us on social media.

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