Tee Lab Designs Circle Logo.

Tee Lab Designs is a small operation. We focus solely on product design. If you see a product you love and would text add to an image or modifications, please let us know. We would be happy to accommodate you with an order. I can usually modify a design or add text to an image withing 24 hours. If I am free, I can do it within a few minutes.

If you have a suggestion for a design, feel free to use our contact form and let us know. I will place the form on the bottom of this post. Below is a list of aspects of a design that can easily be modified.

  • Design color or colors
  • Design size
  • Design location-printable locations are front, back, and arms
  • A design with white into a translucent area. White would be replaced by the color of the garment.
  • We also can support bulk orders. Visit the Bulk Orders Page.

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